Swith Mac Sorce Code App

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  2. Swith Mac Source Code Apps

To start building your first Mac app, you will need to do the following:

  1. Connect to your repository service account (GitHub, Bitbucket, VSTS, Azure DevOps).
  2. Select a repository and a branch where your app lives.
  3. Configure the build's project or workspace, and the scheme you would like to build.

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For the app to be distributed, the build needs to be code signed with a certificate. A provisioning profile is optional. Additionally, build for Mac Installers is currently not supported.

1. Linking your repository

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If you haven't previously connected to your repository service account, you will need to do this. Once your account is connected, select the repository where your Mac project is located. In order to setup a build for a repository, you need admin and pull permission for it.

Switch Mac Source Code App Store

2. Selecting a branch

After selecting a repository, select the branch you want to build. By default, all the active branches will be listed.


3. Setting up your first build

Before your first build, the Mac project needs to be configured.

3.1. Project/workspace and scheme

For a build configuration, an Xcode project or an Xcode workspace and a shared scheme are required. App Center automatically detects the projects, workspaces and shared schemes in your branch. Select the project or the workspace you want to build and the corresponding scheme.

If no scheme can be found, make sure that the scheme you want to build with is shared and that the container for the scheme is the project or the workspace you have selected and that these changes are checked into the branch you are setting up the build for.

3.2. Xcode version

Select the Xcode version to run the build on.

3.3. Build triggers

By default, a new build is triggered every time a developer pushes to a configured branch. This is referred to as 'Continuous Integration'. If you prefer to trigger a new build manually, you can change this setting in the build configuration.

3.4. Increment build number

When enabled, the CFBundleVersion in the Info.plist of your app automatically increments for each build. The change happens pre-build and won't be committed to your repository.

3.5. Tests

If the selected scheme has a test action with a test target selected, you can configure the tests to run as part of each build. App Center can currently run XCTest unit tests. App Center does not support launch tests for Mac builds.

3.6. Code signing

A successful build will produce a .app file. In order to install the build on a device, it needs to be signed certificate. To sign the builds produced from a branch, enable code signing in the configuration pane and upload a valid certificate (.p12), along with the password for the certificate. The settings in your Xcode project need to be compatible with the files you are uploading. A provisioning profile is optional for code signing.

Currently, App Center only supports these signing configurations:

  • Manual signing using the Development export method with a development certificate only
  • Manual signing using the Developer ID export method
  • Automatic signing using the Development export method

You can read more about code signing in App Center's macOS code signing documentation and in the official Apple Developer documentation.

3.7. CocoaPods

App Center scans the selected branch and if it finds a Podfile, it will automatically do a pod install step at the beginning of every build. This will ensure that all dependencies are installed.

If the repository already contains a /Pods folder, App Center assumes you have checked in the pods in your repository and will no longer perform pod install.

3.8. Distribute to a distribution group

You can configure each successfully signed build from a branch to be distributed to a previously created distribution group. You can add a new distribution group from within the Distribute section. There is always a default distribution group called 'Collaborators' that includes all the users who have access to the app.

Once you save the configuration, a new build will be kicked off automatically.

4. Build results

After a build has been triggered, it can be in the following states:

  • queued - the build is in a queue waiting for resources to be freed up
  • building - the build is running and performing the predefined tasks
  • succeeded - the build is completed and it has succeeded
  • failed - the build has completed but it has failed; you can troubleshoot what went wrong by downloading and inspecting the build log
  • canceled - the build has been canceled by a user action or it has timed out

4.1. Build logs

For a completed build (succeeded or failed), download the logs to understand more about how the build went. App Center provides an archive with the following files:

The build step specific logs (located in the build/ directory of the archive) are helpful for troubleshooting and understanding in what step and why the build failed.

4.2. The app (.app)

The .app file is a Mac application archive file which contains the Mac app.

  • If the build has been signed correctly, the .app file can be installed on a device corresponding to the provisioning profile used when signing. More details about code signing and distribution with App Center can be found in App Center's macOS code signing documentation.
  • If the build has not been signed, the .app file can be signed by the developer (e.g. locally using codesign).

4.3. The symbols file (.dsym)

The .dsym files contain the debug symbols for the app.

  • If you have previously integrated the App Center SDK in your app with the crash reporting module enabled, the crash reporting service requires this .dsym file for a build in order to display human-readable (symbolicated) crash reports.
  • If you have previously integrated another SDK for crash reporting purposes in your app (e.g. HockeyApp SDK), the corresponding service requires the .dsym file in order to display human-readable crash reports.

Keep in mind that the .dsym files do not change upon code signing the .app. If you decide to code sign the build later, the .dsym generated before code signing is still valid.

Build internals

To build your project, we use xcodebuild, a command-line tool that allows you to perform build, query, analyze, test, and archive operations on your Xcode projects and workspaces.

Supported versions and requirements

Build machine version details are updated each time a new version of macOS is added. We keep an eye on the latest versions released by Apple and include them as soon as possible on the VMs used to run the builds.


macrumors newbie

Swith Mac Source Code Apps

I'm looking for a swipe gesture that will allow me to swipe back to my most recently used previous app. I'm running Mountain Lion.
That probably doesn't make too much sense so here's my example. When I'm in Reeder (rss aggregator) and I see a post I want to view in Chrome, I switch over to Chrome (via keyboard shortcut within Reeder or clicking the link with the track pad). I would like to set up a swipe gesture to allow me to swipe back to Reeder without having to invoke LaunchBar. I would like just a simple swipe and voila! Back to Reeder.
Possible or am I just ridiculously lazy?
Thanks all!