Free Data Visualization Software Mac

Data visualization doesn't have to be difficult or expensive. Check out these 10 freely available tools that let beginners start building beautiful visuals immediately.

  1. Top Data Visualization Software
  2. Free Data Visualization Software Mac Pro
  3. Data Visualization Software Review

Data visualization free download - Telemetry Data Visualization, Charts - Data Visualization and Business Analytics, DMX Music Visualization, and many more programs. How Visualize Free Works. Visualize Free is a free cloud-hosted, zero-client app for data visualization and analytics. It is a derivative of the commercial platform for dashboard, reporting and data mashup developed by InetSoft. Simply upload your data and drag-and-drop to create visualization dashboards with built-in interactivity. Find and compare Data Visualization Software for Mac. Free, interactive tool to quickly narrow your choices and contact multiple vendors.

The visualization tool allows data to be plotted in a variety of graphs. The software allows you to give good insights into your data. We review the best visualization software available for review. We will look at the unique features of different visualization tools. The software is available as a free download. Some of the products come at a.

While the paradigm of 'more data is better' might look good from the executive suite, there's a challenge that many front-line business managers are encountering once they dig into this trove of new information: how to turn all of those numbers into something useful. Data isn't worth much if you can't use it to affect your business decisions and, while spreadsheets have long served as an acceptable, if mediocre, way for rank-and-file business users to present data, the new data deluge is pushing this tool beyond its practical limits. What's needed is a way for everyday business people to build not only pleasing but informative data visualizations that they can present to their leadership and co-workers quickly and easily, or showcase on their company websites, which are supported by web hosting services that can reliably store large data visualization files on their servers. While heavy-duty data analysis can still be the purview of hardcore business intelligence (BI) analysts, the ability to visualize large gobs of data in new ways needs to be democratized. And for small to midsize businesses (SMBs), the road to this new visualization vernacular needs to start with some free tools so they can touch, learn, and understand this new discipline before they have to invest in it.

Before we go any further, let's understand what we're talking about here. The term 'data visualization' doesn't necessarily refer to an arcane melding of SQL and PC graphics modeling. It's really just a general term that applies to any graphic that explains the significance of a new insight or data set visually rather than simply numerically. Technically, that simple pie chart you can one-click using Microsoft Excel is a data visualization. But, as technology has suddenly begun evolving in leaps and bounds over the traditional databases and spreadsheets to which we're accustomed, new kinds of data visualizations have become possible using a host of new tools and tech. And that's created a mystique around them that's kept many users from trying them, even though the basic tools to do so are already in their hands.

Even if you don't have access to one of the new breed of self-service BI tools that have fairly advanced data visualization baked in, you can still experiment with the concept because there are a host of third-party visualization tools available to anyone with a web browser. I've listed 10 of them below.

Top Data Visualization Software

SEE ALSO: 10 Steps to Adopting Artificial Intelligence in Your Business

1. Tableau Public. This is right at the top because it's essentially the same platform as our self-service BI tool Editors' Choice winner Tableau Desktop. The company chose not to make its free version feature-poor. Instead, this is the full version of Tableau that's available for free download, with only one caveat: Everything you create with it is public, which means you'll automatically be making it available on the web via Tableau's visualization gallery.

2. Tableau Gallery. Tableau's gallery is cool enough to warrant a mention all its own because you don't need to download the tool nor use it to benefit from the gallery. Every visualization here can be downloaded into documents and email, or embedded into webpages with code snippets provided by Tableau. Other folks have done tremendous work on some truly impressive data visualizations and Tableau has curated that content and made it available for download. This is a great resource, not only for business people but also for researchers, students, and journalists looking for ways not just to flesh out and beautify their content but to keep it current, too.

Tableau Public

3. Microsoft Power BI. This is the last shameless plug for one of our reviews but I have to include it because, just like Tableau, Microsoft Power BI can be downloaded for free. And also just like Tableau, Microsoft has a visualization gallery that can be accessed by both Power BI users and folks simply looking for freely available visualizations.

4. Google Data Studio. Part of the Google Marketing Platform, Google Data Studio lets users build multiple views of their data as well as dashboards rather than one-time, publication-ready visualizations. While it follows the Google tradition of requiring somewhat of a learning curve, it's nevertheless not that difficult to use. It's also well integrated with Google Analytics, which can make for quite a powerful pairing—especially since both tools are available in free-to-play versions.

5. Openheatmap. This one purports to transform your spreadsheet, presumably encumbered with some kind of geographical data, into a functioning heat map with just one click. It works with Google Spreadsheets so you'll have to import your Microsoft Excel spreadsheet there if you want to use Openheatmap. But that's a relatively trivial requirement considering the possible results.


6. Leaflet. This is definitely not a tool for complete newbies because it's just a JavaScript library that you'll need to incorporate into your data visualization framework on your own. But it's well-known because it's super lightweight (only 33 KB), and it's aces for building not just maps but interactive mapping visuals aimed specifically for mobile devices. That can be a tall order even for some of the commercial BI tools we've reviewed. So, if you're not scared of the command line or making an application programming interface (API) call, then check it out.

7. Datawrapper. Backed by Berlin, Germany-based company Datawrapper GmbH, Datawrapper is nevertheless multinational, having been built by a team of designers, developers, and journalists from a number of European countries as well as the United States. The tool is specifically built for journalists looking to create fast, easily digestible visualizations to accompany their articles; however, it's useful for anyone requiring similiar data views. While there is a paid version that supports the company, there's also a free plan that tops out at 10,000 charts, which should keep many SMB operators happy for quite some time. The tool is entirely web-based, and the website includes not only access mechanics but also an Academy area in which you can take online learning classes on how to use Datawrapper. There's a Gallery area, too, called the River, in which users can upload data and their visualizations for sharing.


8. Chartbuilder. This is a well-known chart-creation tool that was made publicly available by financial news website Quartz in 2013. Quartz had developed the tool in-house so its journalists could quickly render numerical data visually to make their stories stand out. Ironically, Chartbuilder isn't very pretty itself and also is not the easiest tool for rank beginners to use. You'll need to understand how to download the tool and activate a Python script to get it running.

Top data visualization software

But after that, it's simply a matter of cutting and pasting data into the tool (also not pretty but very easy), and then generating a graphic that you can tweak via the tool or via style sheets. The only downside to the tool (aside from a little upfront complexity) is that it doesn't generate interactive visualizations like most of the other tools on this list do. Chartbuilder creates only static charts, though these are very polished, as befits something intended to go from numbers to slick published content in just a few steps.

9. Information is Beautiful. This is simply a growing library of striking, prebuilt visualizations that other people have created by using a variety of tools. The gallery is fun and everything is downloadable, though you'll need to pay attention to the licensing agreements. These agreements give free access to individuals (especially students and academics) but, if you're looking to use these visualizations for commercial work, then you'll need to fork over some dough. Exactly how much depends on who you are and on an email exchange with the website's owner. Just to warn you: We had asked to pay for a visualization for this story, and two weeks after the request, we still hadn't heard back. So, if fast turnaround is part of your agenda, then look elsewhere.

10. Open Refine. There's an oft-overlooked underpinning to a successful data visualization: data transformation. That's especially true today when big data is trying to provide insights across different data sources, maybe a spreadsheet, maybe a long transaction log gleaned from a machine learning (ML) algorithm.

Transforming data generally refers to the painful (for normal people) process of taking a whole bunch of disparate numbers and turning them into a sleek set of relatable data. That means cleaning data (formatting and error checking), transforming it (changing from one format such as native Microsoft Excel to another, such as XML), and then making it available to external services such as webpages and those BI tools you're using. If you're thinking this can be a painstaking, eye-watering, brain-bending task, then you'd be right…unless you use a data transformation tool such as Open Refine. This tool began life under Google's flag but was rebranded to stand on its own. It's still both free and easy to use so, if you're banging your head against a mountain of mismatched data, then check it out.

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Data doesn’t have to be boring. Adding a dash of visual appeal to raw data can make it easily comprehensible and instantly appealing.

In the interest of (1) making your data more user-friendly and (2) not boring the eyes out of anyone who sees your work, picking a trusty data visualization tool is a must.

With so many tools out there, choosing the right one that serves your specific needs can be a tedious task. As a first step, read this detailed guide on the factors to consider when choosing your perfect data visualization tool.

I’ve studied the most popular free data visualization tools available out there, and in this post I’ll talk about my top picks.

1. D3.js

Samsung 360 software. D3.js — often times, it’s simply called D3 — is the most well-known data visualization library today.

D3 gives developers the ability to create even the most complex charts and graphs. It uses open web technologies — HTML, SVG, and CSS — which is great if you care about cross-platform support (because iOS/Android apps, desktop apps, web browsers, and other such platforms can all run these web technologies).

Note that D3 is designed for modern browsers. It won’t work with old browsers–anything before IE9, and you might have browser compatibility issues. Another thing to consider is that working with D3 will require you to invest some time into learning the D3 API. However, once you learn how to use it, D3 can be an insanely powerful data visualization tool.

D3 is an open source project. Be sure to check out this gallery of D3 examples.

2. FusionCharts

FusionCharts has a collection of over 90 charts and more than 960 maps which can serve the full range of needs of developers and professional data visualization experts. With its support going all the way back to the ancient IE6, browser compatibility is hardly an issue.

FusionCharts is device/platform-agnostic and works easily with both JSON and XML data formats. Here is a sample of their data visualization capabilities. While FusionCharts is slightly heavier on the pocket as compared to some of the other tools in this list, it lets you try all the charts for free before you decide to purchase it.

Also check out their nice comparison table of the top JavaScript charting libraries on their website.

3. Tableau Public

Tableau Public is capable, easy to use, and free. What more can you want? With a huge arsenal of maps, graphs, and charts, it is a firm favorite for the non-developer audience.

The free version of Tableau attaches a big footer of Tableau branding in the charts you generate; non-commercial customers may be OK with that, but if you aren’t, you can pay to get the cleaner, brand-free versions of the same charts.

Take a look at this visualization of the history of the Dow 30 to get an idea of what Tableau can do for your data visualization projects.

4. Charted

Charted has one of the cleanest user interfaces amongst all the charting tools I’ve seen. It’s extremely easy to use as well. All you have to do is upload a CSV file, or a Google Sheets link, and it’ll generate the chart for you. Moreover, it refreshes your chart every 30 minutes, so your chart’s data source remains fairly up-to-date.

The Charted service is free, and its source code is also freely available if you would like to run it on your own web server.

5. Google Charts

Google Charts is user-friendly and compatible with all browsers and platforms. It covers a wide range of data visualization types — from simple line and bar graphs to complex hierarchical tree maps — making Google charts suitable for almost any project.

Check out the gallery that showcases the various charts and visualizations that Google Charts offers.

6. Flot

Flot is an easy-to-use charting library that provides very elegant charts and graphs. It allows advanced user-interactions like panning, zooming, resizing, switching a data series on and off, and more.

Flot has a wide variety of other user-created plugins available from the community for everything, from new plot types to advanced labels.

View some videos to learn how to use Flot.

7. Chartist.js

If you’re transitioning from Excel and looking for something that doesn’t seem so old-school, you’ve got to give Chartist a look. Created — like all good products — out of frustration with the status quo, it includes a large array of charts that are responsive, animated, and rendered beautifully.

Unlike other bloated apps, Chartist is a small JS library weighing in at 10kb with no dependencies. Oh, and it’s also free. You can check out some nice examples here.

8. Highcharts

Highcharts, another big name in the data visualization domain, offers you a wide selection of charts and maps. They offer many plugins that allow you to experience all of its powerful features without needing to deal with JavaScript.

Highcharts is free for non-commercial purposes.

9. Datawrapper

Datawrapper is an extremely easy-to-use data visualization tool for plotting interactive charts. All you need to do is upload your data via a CSV file, choose the chart you want to plot, and that’s basically it, you’re good to go! It’s a very popular tool among journalists, often using Datawrapper to embed live charts into their news articles.

The fact that it’s a tool of choice for most of the non-techie people out there tells you how easy Datawrapper is to use. Read this tutorial to get started with Datawrapper.

10. dygraphs

Free Data Visualization Software Mac Pro

dygraphs is a JavaScript charting library that allows for panning, zooming, and mouseover actions. It handles and interprets dense data sets very effectively. dygraphs can support browsers as far back as IE8 without any browser support issues.

Look at the dygraphs demo gallery to see the possible variations when using this wonderful data visualization tool.

11. Raw

Raw bridges the gap between spreadsheets and vector graphics. It’s built on the D3.js platform. If you’re not a programmer, Raw could be the perfect data visualization tool for you.

Data Visualization Software Review

Raw provides a selection of 16 ready-to-use chart types. Customization is one of the biggest positive aspects of Raw, for it allows you to use your own custom layouts.

Watch this short video to see how Raw works.


12. TimelineJS

TimelineJS is a great tool for creating interactive, visually rich timelines without having to write code. Popular sites like TIME and Radiolab use it frequently to create timelines that display a great deal of information in a small area.

TimelineJS has built-in API support for a variety of data sources like Wikipedia, Twitter, SoundCloud, Vine, Google Maps, and YouTube.

Here’s an example of a timeline developed with TimelineJS.

13. Polymaps


As its name suggests, Polymaps is for creating catographical data visualizations. Update mail app mac. It pulls in data from OpenStreetMap, Bing, and other map image providers, while also rendering its own representations. Both its image- and vector-based maps look stunning, as you can see from their wide range of examples.

Which Data Visualization Tool is Right For You?

At the risk of prompting a resounding groan from you: It truly depends. Whether you’re looking for a lightweight solution like Chartist, something extremely detailed and capable like D3 or FusionCharts, or even a tool dedicated to mapping (Polymaps) or timeline plotting (TimelineJS), you’ve got a rich range of free resources out there.

At the very least, I encourage you to play around with one or two new tools that fit the bill of your current data visualization project.

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