Mac Os App Console Output

Jun 29, 2019  If, with the system volume set to 50%, you set the volume slider for an app to its highest point, it will still only output 50% volume. If you were to increase the system volume, the volume for the other apps will change accordingly. This app can also set the volume for other apps that aren’t running.

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  3. Mac Os App Console Output System

Aug 23, 2011  Hi, Can anyone explain how I can start an application from the console. Often I want to view a file from the current directory and I simply want to start an application to view it. I'd also like to be able to start a Finder window in the current directory. I've added the ability to start a. Connecting to the serial console on Mac and Linux uses essentially the same process. Neither operating system needs drivers installed. On MacOSX, Terminal comes installed. On Linux, there are a variety such as gnome-terminal (called Terminal) or Konsole on KDE.

When programs and services run on your system, they are programmed to give some sort of indication of what they are doing, either through a graphical interface or some added function for the system. Since no program is perfect, programmers build in logging routines that indicate when specific tasks are done, or at least tried, by their programs.

The Console in OS X is a utility that allows you to see some of these ongoing messages the system and running applications are outputting, by allowing you a central location to access log files generated by system services and applications.


The console’s logs are categorized in a list to the left (click for larger view).

The Console utility is split into three parts, some of which are redundant.

  1. System Log Queries
    This is a feature of the console that gives you access to the main “system.log” file. Since this file logs the activity of background processes that keep the system running, it is given a specially place as the first category in the Console program. Under the “System Log Queries” section is the main “All Messages” query, which shows everything in the system log.In addition to “All Messages,” you can add your own query to filter the system log. For example, if you would like to search for any message from the Security Server process that contains the word “auth” (often tructated for authentication activity), then you can do so by choosing “New System Log Query” from the File menu and then adding the criteria to specify the message as “auth” and the sender as “” (see the screenshot).
  2. Diagnostic and Usage Information
    While the system log is a view of ongoing activity with the system, the Diagnostic and Usage Information section contains information on system and application hangs, crashes. If a program crashes, the system’s crash reporter will generate a file that contains potential causes why this might have happened, and these will be available in this area. The User diagnostic reports will be for programs that are running within your user account, and the System diagnostic reports will be for more global programs and system services.While these reports may appear cryptic, they can be exceptionally useful for a technician to help diagnose a problem with your system. At most, you might need to find the most relevant one to send to a tech. Luckily, these reports are tagged with a date and time in their name, so if a program you use is crashing regularly, then you can locate the most recent crash reports for it so they can be analyzed.
  3. Files
    This section contains links to the raw log files at their various locations on your hard drive. The file at the top of this list is the “system.log” file, which is a link to the /var/log/system.log file on the system. Clicking this will give you the same information as is shown when you click “All Messages” under the “System Log Queries” option; however, being a link to the file, as with all files listed here, you can right-click it to reveal it in the Finder.Next are the individual user log files, located in the current user account at the ~/Library/Logs/ folder. The contents of this directory are generally errors, status, and warnings for various user-launched programs and services.Below the individual user logs are the global user logs, at the /Library/Logs/ folder, which similarly contain service and program log output; however, these are for programs that run for all users, which may include antivirus programs or other security software. Noe that this folder is what contains the Diagnostic Reports folder where crash logs are located (for the Diagnostic and Usage Information section above), so these files can also be directly accessed here.

    Last is the system log folder, which is at the hidden /var/log/ directory. This contains the output information for various background services like the system firewall, authentication services, printing routines, system updates, and system configuration changes. The “system.log” file that is referenced in the above locations is also located here.

    In the window that pops up, click System Report. Mac apps for fat 32.

Using the Console

Creating new log file queries can help you follow specific activities in the console (click for larger view).


While you can look up various logs and peruse them for past actions and situations that the system has encountered, you can also use the console to actively troubleshoot the system, or at least help you isolate problems. To do this, first focus on just the relevant logs. These include the “system.log” file, which can most functionally be accessed through the “All Messages” section.

Next, locate the specific application or service log. This step can be a bit challenging, but takes perusing the various log files and locating the ones that represent the service or program you are running. For instance, the “wifi.log” file contains output from the “airportd” background process, for displaying changes to the network configuration.

Console Os Download

With these located, you can isolate relevant log messages for a problem or action at hand by performing the following routine:

  1. Quit all programs except the one that’s giving you problems.
  2. Select the desired log file
  3. Click “Clear Display” or “Insert Marker” in the Console toolbar.
  4. Go to the problematic program and perform the action that is giving you problems
  5. Return to the Console to see if any logged errors seem relevant to your problem.

This process is a bit general, but if you repeat it several times (both with the system log and with relevant application logs) then you may start seeing a pattern of what logged messages correspond to the actions you are performing on your system. As such, while straight-forward, this process is not a guaranteed way to get information about a specific problem, but can help if you have a keen eye for detail.

The Terminal is generally reserved as an environment for advanced configuration of your Mac, but there are those who resort to it on a regular basis and use it in conjunction with OS X’s graphical interface to make optimal use of the system. If you do so, then you might find yourself periodically wanting to launch an application, either directly from the command line, or from an automated action like a script. In addition, you can use this feature to launch multiple instances of a standard OS X program, or run it as a different user, such as root, which can give you access to the system in ways you might otherwise not have.

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The classic way

As with general Terminal syntax, you can launch an executable script or binary file from the Terminal by simply entering its full path. However, to do so for an OS X app with a graphical interface, you will need to specify the app’s executable file within the application package. In most cases, this will be a subdirectory called /Contents/MacOS/ that contains an executable with the same name as the app. For instance, opening TextEdit in the Applications folder will require you run the following command:

This can be useful for troubleshooting problems with the program, since you will see console output (errors, warnings, and sometimes other activity) output directly to the Terminal window hosting the program, as opposed to having to use the Console utility.

If you would like to run the app as a different user (e.g., the root account), then you can first switch user accounts in the Terminal with the “su” command, or use “sudo” before specifying the path to the Mac OS application, and this will launch the program as root (note that this might not always work):

Keep in mind that launching a program in this way will launch a new instance of it, so if you have TextEdit already open, then you will see another TextEdit program open next to it. This has its benefits in some circumstances, but can interfere with services like Apple’s Resume feature (ie, it may overwrite your current window configuration so when TextEdit is quit, current window positions will not be saved and then restored when the program is next opened).

In addition, keep in mind that when opened in this manner, the Terminal window will be hosting the program, so it must remain open while the program is running—if you close the Terminal window, you will force-quit the program you have opened.

Using the “open” command

One of OS X’s unique Terminal commands is the “open” command that allows you to handle files, programs, and URLs in sometimes unique ways. The benefit of this program is, similar to using the Terminal for directly launching an app in the “classic” way; however, it does have two benefits. First, it is easier to use, and second, it does not require the Terminal remain open:

Mac Os App Console Output System

In this command, replace “appname” with the name of your desired app, and it should launch. Note that by default this command will, similar to the OS X graphical environment, only open one instance of an app, so if the program is already open then this command will switch to it. However, you can use this command to open another instance of the program, by adding the “-n” flag:

User manual creation software free. Keep in mind that as with the classic approach, multiple instances of an application running at the same time under the same user account may have odd consequences with supporting services that the application uses; however, for simple programs and utilities it can be useful to run another instance as root, in order to overcome permissions limitations with your current user account. Also consider apps like the Calculator, where it might be useful to have more than one calculation going at a time.

With the command run multiple times, you will open multiple instances of the program.